Friday, October 9, 2009

Me the Bad Blogger

I know that whatever excuse I give would never be considerable enough to explain why I have been such a bad blogger. Should I blame Farmville and Cafeworld for my long absence from the blogosphere? No. That would be very lame, shameful even. I know that starting this blogsite requires me to maintain it by stocking it with pictures of my creations and at least one entry daily. But I did neither of those for the past two weeks or so. I'm very sorry.

Okay. So I promise to change. And this time I am bound to keep it(unlike the many diets I have forgone after making the initial effort and succeeding in the first few weeks). Honestly, I am really keeping this one, for real. I am not going to throw away the chance to share myself with others through my writings and my art.

Would you believe that I've just had my paycheck a couple of days ago and now I barely have enough to sustain my meals for the coming workweek? What happened to my salary? I paid bills, bought groceries, and did nothing else. So where did the rest of my hard earned money go?

Fortunately, I still have classes tomorrow and during the weekdays. The pay I would get from them would suffice to tide me over until the next payday. I still have to meet my mom at the doctor's clinic later. After her consultation, we would go straight to my aunt's house for my cousin's birthday celebration.This is going to be one veeerrryyy long day.

Lest I forget, I would try to give a theme to my entries every day. I already have an online journal, so I don't really have to confine myself to just rambling about my not-so-exciting life here. Didi I say not-so-exciting? I should not! In fact, I should never ever say such stupid things again. The last time I complained of enduring yet another lazy Sunday, the typhoon struck the following weekend and needless to say, I've had one of the worst Sundays I've had in my life.

So I was stranded for seven hours on that fateful Saturday as the 6 hour torrential rain was drenching the metro to the point of drowning it in muck and filthy flood waters. However, as terrible as that ordeal had been, my experience is but a tap on the shoulder compared to the tragic fate of some of my country men who had to lose not only their homes, but also their loved ones. I feel so sorry for them, but I can't help but be grateful that I and my family had been spared.

Now, going back to my promise, the once-bad-blogger would atone for her laziness and absence by making the needed changes starting tomorrow morning. To keep the suspense, I would keep it a secret until tomorrow morning. For now, I have to grab a bite or else my tummy would punish me later on.


  1. I have been a bad blogger lately too. Sometimes it's just not in the cards to do it every day.

  2. Yep. Actually, I haven't even lived up to my promise. How pathetic can I get!

  3. I always say I am for sure going to post a blog every day starting _____. It hasn't panned out yet either. (: But no matter how long it takes you to post, it's always worth the wait when I get to read or see it! You're writing and art are both amazing.

  4. Ooooohhh, so very nice of you...I am working on a new piece right now...So many things in mind, yet so little...I don't know. It could be the boredom and listlessness. Or it could be the fear I'm trying so hard to blot out of my consciousness. Anyway, thank you veeeerrrryyy much. A new dawn would come tomorrow he he he...
